Smoking is defined as the practice in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke breathed in to be tasted and absorbed into the bloodstream. It is also the inhaling and exhaling the fumes of a burning plant material such as marijuana and tob ...
Best drink in the world – Water
Water is vital for good health. It is important to know that about 60% of the body is made of water. Water serves to carry substances such as vitamins, minerals, hormones, and oxygen around the body in the bloodstream. It also helps cleanse the body ...
The Power of Positive Self-Talk
After tasting my delicious cupcakes, people often tell me they are amazed at how I bake them to taste that delicious. What they don’t realize is that they are equally making powerful suggestions to their own unconscious mind all this time. For exampl ...
Anxiety is an emotion that tends to seek out confirmation. It is a normal reaction to stress. It can alert us to dangers. It is a type of fear that you experience when you have thoughts of threat or something going wrong in the future, rather than pr ...
WHAT IS ADDICTION? Addiction is a chronic disorder, (yet treatable) in which a person depends on substances or behaviour that’s dangerous to their wellbeing; both psychologically and physically. It is about how your body craves a substance or beh ...
Naa Enti
Naa Enti is a Biochemist turned farmer and Wellness Coach with over 20 years Corporate experience in the UK. Currently an Agribusiness and Healthy Lifestyle Entrepreneur. She is the owner of Garden2Plates, a growing healthy eating and organic ...
Charge Your Battery
Abundant mental and physical energy coupled with professional and business skills is the key to success. Which level is your energy at work? Is your attention flagging through meetings by 2p.m and the effort to focus seem not budge? Our prof ...
Being Fit for the Corporate World
Pretty much, everyone appreciates the value of regular physical activities for health. The benefits abound in all aspects of our lives and not health alone. However, for some people, finding the time to exercise has become a challenge because o ...
A good laugh and long sleep are two best cures for anything. Sleep is vital for our well-being because we are programmed to devote about one-third of our lives to sleep. When sleeping, our body and brain can be awhirl with activity. Sleep is a ...